Man, it's been fun launching this website and doing stuff and telling people. The feedback has really been...well...available.
I wouldn't normally post about shows in this space, but turns out I have more than I thought this month so why not?! They're all essentially in the same city because I am only mildly well-known and don't like to travel.
Oct. 13th - I'm headlining the Madhouse Comedy Club, San Diego, CA 7:30pm. Headliner...oooooohhh look at me...big time cool guy.
Oct. 16th - I'll be a part of the MEGA 64 Halloween Live Stream. 7:00pm. You won't have to go anywhere. Just be home and have the internet. It'll be fun.
Oct. 24th - Huge night at Blind Lady Ale House, San Diego, CA 7:00pm. Free show with some of my favorite comics like James Schrader, AJ Knox, Jimmy Callaway, Jesse Egan, and Anosh McAdam!
Oct. 27th - Wally Bunting returns for a brief moment at The American Comedy Co in San Diego, CA. 8:00pm. What does this mean? I don't know.
Oct. 28th - I'll be reading a story I wrote about a band I used to be in at So Say We All's VAMP @ Whistle Stop Bar, San Diego, CA 7:30pm. This is always a good time and will be a great lead-in to some upcoming news - OOOOH A TEASER!!!!!
Well, that's it. May not seem like a lot of shows to some people, but I have a family. Good night.